Australia Immigration

Australia Immigration from UAE

As educated and skilled individuals want to immigrate to a developed country with greater prospects and possibilities, Australia is their first choice. You can now more easily immigrate to Australia because to various visa categories created by the Australian government. Among these categories are visas for study, work, travel, family sponsorship, and permanent residency in Australia. Based on a number of variables, Australia is among the finest places to immigrate.

For the program year 2023–2024, the Australian Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has raised the level of its annual migration planning. Formerly, the DHA would welcome 160,000 people; nevertheless, the Australian government has set up 190,000 visa slots for the program year 2023–2024. This implies that the Australian government will now take in 30,000 extra immigrants for this program year. Most of these additional visa slots have been added by the DHA under the skilled migration category.

As a result, if you want to relocate to Australia, now is the ideal time to apply because the Australian government has lowered immigration standards and increased immigration targets.

These are some of the main features of immigration to Australia that entice sincere candidates from the area to go to the “land down under.”

Why should one immigrate to Australia?

You should apply for immigration to Australia for the following main reasons:

  • Australia’s excellent infrastructure, steady economy, and wide range of professional opportunities make it a desirable destination for people looking to immigrate from all over the world.
  • As per US News and Report’s Best Country survey-2022, Australia ranks sixth globally for quality of life and eighth for education and citizenship.
  • According to the US News Survey, it is also the third-best country in the world for a comfortable retirement and the second-best country for agility.
  • To invite, evaluate, and accept competent and bright individuals from abroad, the Australian government has established a well-organized point-based immigration system.
  • It will be simple for applicants to accrue extra immigration points under Australia’s new immigration point system.
  • Australia is inviting, evaluating, and nominating eligible applicants for Australian skilled visas by progressively opening its State nomination procedures.

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